There are 5 levels of Testing:

1.        Unit level testing

2.        Module level testing

3.        Integration level testing

4.        System level testing

5.        User acceptance level testing


Unit: Unit is a smallest part of an application (Program).

In this stage the white box testers will test each and every program and combinations of programs in order to confirm whether they are working according to the expectations or not. They test the structural part of a module.


Module: Module is defined as a group of related features to perform a major task in an application.

In this stage the Black Box test engineer’s will test the functional part of a module.


In this stage the developers will develop interfaces (Linking Prg’s), in order to integrate the modules. The White Box testers will test whether the interfaces are working fine or not. Developers will integrate the modules by following any one of the following approach:

TOP-DOWN APPROACH: In this approach parent modules will be develop first and then related child modules will be integrated.

STUB: While integrating the modules in the Top-Down approach, if at all any mandatory module is missing then that module is replaced with a temporary program known as STUB.

BOTTOM-UP APPROACH: In this approach child modules will be developed first and then integrated back to the corresponding parent modules.

DRIVER: While integrating the modules in Bottom-Up approach, if at all any mandatory module is missing then that module is replaced with a temporary program known as DRIVER.

BIG BANG APPROACH: In this approach one will wait till the modules are developed and will integrate them at a time finally.


In this level the Black Box test engineers will conduct so many types of testing like load testing, performance testing, stress testing, compatibility testing, system integration testing etc.

These type of Testing’s are also conducted:

1.       Usability Testing

2.       Functionality Testing

3.       Performance Testing

4.       Security Testing


During Usability Testing, testing team validates User Friendliness of screens.

During Functionality Testing, testing team validates Correctness of Customer Requirements. During Performance Testing, testing team estimates Speed of Processing.

During Security Testing, testing team validates Privacy to User Operations.

SYSTEM INTEGRATION TESTING: It is a type of testing in which one will perform some actions at one module and check for the reflections in all the related areas.




In this stage the Black Box test engineers will test once again the user desired areas in the presence of the user in order to make him to accept the application.


ENVIRONMENT: Environment is defined as group of hardware components with some basic software’s which can hold the business logic, presentation logic and database logic.


Environment is a combination of Presentation layer, Business layer, and Database layer which can hold presentation logic, business logic and database logic.


Mithun Kumar

I am Mithun Kumar, a freelance and working software professional. I have around 6 years of experience in software Quality Assurance in Manual and Automation with Various tools and Technology. I am always learning new technologies and find myself up to date with the latest software technologies.

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