Database Testing Interview Question
1. Mention a few steps involved in Database Testing.
Data Validity testing, Data Integrity testing, and testing of triggers and functions.
2. Explain Database Testing.
It is a process of software testing that involves data validity and data integrity testing
along with testing some other triggers and functions.
3. Is DB Testing a back-end process?
Yes, Database testing is a back-end process.
4. How many types are there in DB Testing?
There are three(3) different types of database testing.
5. What are the types of Database Testing?
Structural, Functional, and Non-Functional Testing.
6. Expand DDL.
DDL stands for Data Description Language.
7. Mention some DDL commands.
ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE, and so on are some of the DDL commands.
8. Expand DML.
DML stands for Data Manipulation Language.
9. Mention some DML commands.
INSERT, UPDATE, LOCK, and so on are some of the DML commands.
10. Expand DCL.
DCL stands for Data Control Language
11. Mention some DCL commands.
GRANT and REVOKE are some of the DDL commands.
12. Mention some of the DB Testing tools.
Database Rider, Database Benchmark, DbUnit, and so on are some of the Database
testing tools.
13. What are ACID properties?
The terms ACID stand for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
14. How is Database testing different from Front-end testing?
DB testing involves testing back-end components such as Databases, whereas Front–
end testing involves testing the functionalities of response sheets, registration forms,
and so on.
15. What is a Cursor?
A cursor is used to retrieve information and process the returned data one by one.